It’s time… Ask

oie_V2loLDfWBaU7What are you doing about your dreams and goals? Do you have passions that are deep in your heart and mind that just won’t go away and you feel they are never going to materialize? Are you a jack of all trades, but master of none? Well that is just not true, we are all seamlessly gifted at something we have mastered effortlessly. Sometimes we are so used to performing in that area we do not see it as a gift or talent. I’m just here to remind you today that your life is but a vapor. The years creep by undetected it seems. Many of us have these dreams, passions, gifts, and talents tucked away inside because we just do not know where to begin to redirect our lives to the path of doing what we love. The unexpected circumstances of life steers us in a direction we did not plan many times and we just can’t seem to get back on track or even find the track! I’m sure not going to tell you it is easy to “make it happen”, but it sure is possible. Although, I believe it takes us to reach our limit of dissatisfaction with our current path. We need to reach the point where continuing “business as usual” is no longer an option and we are ready to do whatever it takes to turn the ship around.

It’s like walking into a room so cluttered and messy, you get overwhelmed and do not know where to even begin to unclutter the mess. Well, have you ever thought about getting some assistance, a coach perhaps? Sometimes we need someone to coach us through what to do and where to begin. Two hands and heads are always better than one when it comes to tackling a big project or untangling a huge mess. It takes courage and humility to ask for help and many times it is that simple. You have not because you ask not. Do not wait any longer to reorganize your life and pursue the calling God has placed inside of you. It’s time to ask for help and meet the new you and a new life.♥
